Who is academy for?

The W3S Academy targets marketing, innovation, and product ownership decision-makers in large enterprises, SMEs, and non-profit organizations.

In the last couple of years working in Web3, we’ve received many questions about blockchain technology, NFTs, Metaverse, and other burning topics from a number of organizations. The most common questions are typically:

  • How does blockchain technology work under the hood, and how does it change our business practice?

  • Is it technically possible to do [xy project]? How can we make it happen?

  • How can our customers and we stay safe in the ever-evolving crypto world?

  • What are the legal considerations that our company needs to take into account?

  • How can we start our Web3 project? What do we need?

  • Which blockchain network should we choose to build on and why?

  • What are possible utilities for our NFT collection, and how to use it for brand growth?

  • How to onboard our non-crypto customers? Is there any hybrid “Web2.5” approach?

  • Can you help us with the concept and utility for our NFT collection?

  • What is utility in crypto, and why is it important?

  • …and so on.

More and more innovative companies with strong brands and communities behind them are considering the upgrade to Web3 but don’t know where to begin.

In the W3S Academy, marketing, innovation, and product ownership professionals from all kinds of organizations get concrete answers to their Web3-related questions and seize the opportunity of a Web3 product upgrade that brings actual value to their customers.

Last updated