How does it work?

The Web3 Spaces Academy provides knowledge in an interactive way through video calls that encourage active participation. But most importantly, it applies a hands-on, practical approach to provide maximal value to every participant tapping into the Web3 world, regardless of their experience and background.


The first generation of Web3 Spaces alumni will be exclusively picked from a list of applicant companies leading solid brands within the Adriatic region or globally.

Entrance Token

The chosen participants can enter the Academy with a unique token, generated to provide exclusive access to contents and, in the process, teach the basics of handling the key Web3 instruments. The token is an NFT (non-fungible token) by nature and comes in two versions:

  • Classic Token

  • VIP Token

Good to know: The token is transferable and will be listed on the OpenSea market. Only participants with a W3S Entrance Token are able to take part in the Academy.

Classic Token

The majority, 90% of participants, are holders of the Classic Entrance Tokens. They have free access to all the lectures, courses, and AMA sessions in the Academy, and can book an Opushop workshop with the Kalmia team at a discounted price.

VIP Token

The other 10% of Web3 Spaces Entrance Tokens are VIP Tokens and provide free access to the Opushop workshop with the Kalmia team. Additional perks and benefits will be defined in the future.

The VIP Tokens are randomly granted to 10% of participants in each generation of Web3 Spaces Academy alumni.

Good to know: When each round of the Web3 Spaces Academy is over, the Entrance Token holders have two options. The first option is to sell their token on the OpenSea marketplace and enable the new owner to gain access to upcoming Academy launches. The second option is to keep it and remain eligible to access to future AMA sessions and Academy perks distributed to token holders.

How to claim the Entrance Token?

The chosen and confirmed Academy participants will receive an e-mail with a link to their Entrance Token and further instructions.

Before using the link, you should have MetaMask wallet installed in your Internet browser. If you don’t have it yet, follow these instructions:

Good to know: MetaMask is a digital wallet for storing and transferring crypto assets, including NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Without it, you can’t claim the Entrance Token nor access the Web3 Spaces Academy.

Click the link in the e-mail, and on the newly opened page, click the button to claim the Entrance Token. Finally, confirm the transaction in your MetaMask wallet (make sure it’s connected to the Polygon Mainnet).

Once you have your Entrance Token in your MetaMask wallet, you can use it to enter the Web3 Spaces Academy.

Go to [site], click Enter the Academy, and sign the transaction in your MetaMask.

Good to know: Signing the transaction will not make any transfer or change to your wallet and its balance. It is just a way for the Academy site to recognize you as a confirmed participant with granted access to its contents.


The Web3 Spaces Academy launches in autumn 2022.

The academy program is split into two parts, lasting one and two months, respectively, and three months in total.

Part 1 (month 1) contains four live lessons with our experts, one per week, on the following topics:

  1. NFT Trends

  2. Web3 Technologies

  3. Web3 Legal Guidelines

  4. Q&A: Starting a Web3 project

Part 2 (months 2 and 3) delivers more personalized content to participating brands:

  1. At least two AMA (Ask Me Anything) events hosted by Kalmia: Participants are encouraged to prepare and send questions in advance to get detailed answers from our experts. The AMAs also host special guests who bring additional know-how, experience, and value to listeners.

  2. A 1-hour 1-on-1 meeting with Kalmia expert: Participants have the chance to discuss and elaborate on their Web3 project idea individually with the chosen Kalmia expert.

  3. Practical Web3 workshops with the Kalmia team: Participants can apply the gained knowledge to the execution plan for their Web3 project idea. 1 in 10 companies joining the academy get free access to the workshop with a special VIP Entrance Token.

Last updated